Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Sorry, I haven't had much time to write lately. Since I don't have Internet access at work (and, because work is a monotonous dull activity) it has been hard for me to write anything. I promise to try to get back to it as soon as I can.

Meanwhile, why don't you tell me what have YOU been up to. HA! Didn't see that one coming did ya'!

Ponch, the busy dull one.

PS. One relevant thing: America passed to the quarter finals of Copa Libertadores!! AWESOMEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!


Unknown said...

OK, so here's what I've done. I've been grading unending papers and I have until Wednesday to finish, so I'm in a bit of a hurry. I took a very interesting, 3-day course on Windows Mobile development, which was fun and I got several souvenirs from different Mexican carriers. Almost won a new cell phone. On the other hand, I've been having a lot of work at my job and haven't been sleeping as much as I'd like. My computer (Satine) died and a new Dell computer is on its way to my home. I'd appreciate any help for a new name for my new computer. I've bee reading a lot. The latest: "Water for Elephants". I really enjoyed it. I installed again "The Movies" on my PC and that is making me happy again.

Your turn.

Anonymous said...

well, unhappy because America was last for the first time in my long life... and happy because they are beating the brazilians and going for semifinals! working a lot but because I like what I am doing...

Unknown said...

now you have internet, that's great news i think. maybe you can start writing perez hilton's stuff in your dead work time jiji.
see you tomorrow :)

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