This terrible abandonment is pretty much due to lack of free time, and the little I get I use it to rest, watch some TV Series and such. But the real actual reason is that I haven't had any REAL motivation to write... Of course lots of things happen in my life, but none of it has been really relevant or life changing... 'till yesterday.
Some time ago, after going to Shakira's concert (whom I've always pretty much hated), I thought to myself: "I've been to a bunch of concerts, but never of an artist or group that I REALLY like", so I wasn't very familiar with the thrill of hearing your all time favorites performing up the stage, killing the audience with their every move.
Well, now I do.
I don't want to babble too much about this, cuz' I know from experience that nobody reads really long posts. I just wanted to share my experience with you readers readers readers readers readers ... huh, echo again!
I found out that Coldplay, my favourite (yes, I stuck a 'u' in there cuz, u know, they're British) band was coming to Mexico thanks to their great newsletter, that really paid off, cuz the tickets where out at 11 a.m. the next day and at 11:01 I already had mine so, GREAT GREAT SEATS. Actually, I thought they were 3rd row, but due to the seats placing, it was more like FIRST, I was as close to the stage as anyone could get.

I've always thought that Coldplay didn't give much of a show, since they don't really change their songs much when singing live... I WAS WRONG (John Locke, LOST). They're such great performers, Chris Martin sings, dances, jumps, swings, falls, and oh-so-many-more things up stage. They played songs that I NEVER thought they would play (such as Sparks, which is one of my all-time favourites). And I'm just gonna say that after, I felt as good as I've never felt in my life.

I took a bunch of up close photos such as the one above, you can take a look here.
I hope you enjoy, and if you have a chance to go today, GO... FOR ALL THAT'S SACRED, GO!!!
I'd love to hear comments from you.
Ponch, the one that flies at the Speed of Sound.
PS. Yes, I took ALL of those pictures!