Friday, April 04, 2008

No Fun

Well, first surprise about working for a big company that handles money: they're completely paranoid.

I cannot enter the building with USBs, CDs, DVDs, iPod, Palm, nothing... Which means no music, which means no "whistle while you work" or "spoonful of sugar" or anything like that... If they try to take my Blackberry I'll quit on the spot... I think.

To make it worse, I think some guy of my team screwed up at some point and now we don't have the password for the proxy, which means NO INTERNET!!! Soooo I better start learning the Java API by heart, that should be easy... Btw, I know, no Internet also means no instant messaging...

Will I get used to this total lack of contact to the outside world?? Make your bets!!!

PS. I'll try to post a lot more from that cool phone publishing feature I discovered a while ago. Feedback will be necessary in order to avoid insanity.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Ok, I give up

Couldn't stand it anymore.

The unbearable lack of activity (and money) forced me to take desperate measures and take a job as a Java Web Developer/Analyst. The job is not that bad, it will allow me to learn a lot in areas that I know I suck at, and probably will allow me to get the knowledge needed to start a company in the future. Who knows, I might even get to like it...

For now, that's all I'm asking for: to learn a lot. I'll have to put my dreams on hold...
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