Thursday, September 07, 2006


I don't have much time (not cuz I'm running away from someone, like Rachel Blake from The Lost Experience, or anything like that) but because I have TWO TESTS TOMORROW!! And also, because the talented author of those tests is none other than Dr. Bárbaro Ferro (yeah, I know, sounds spooky... WELL IT IS!!).

So, I just add this quick post to thank my regular readers (and not so regular ones) for their hearty comments. I really appreciate that you take the time to write a lil' somethin'; makes me want to keep writing!

By the way, congratulate me! I have just been promoted to System Administrator in the Spanish version of LOSTpedia. Yay!!!!

Ponch, the Ferro-fearing administrator.

PS. I love you too, gorgeous ; )


Unknown said...

I actually didn't understand half of what you just wrote. Maybe, I'm "Lost" with that particular "Experience". Nevertheless, it's always nice to read a brand-new, freshly-pressed post by my dear friend, El Inge. Good luck on your exams. See ya soon!

Anonymous said...

Gracias por esa PD cielito mi amor. Te felicito por tu nuevo "lost - nombramiento" pero te felicito mas por tus buenas calificaciones con " feared ferro" jajajajaja. Eres el mejor! Te amo!!

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